[DELETED] Nolan Show: Colum Eastwood Demands That Healthcare Staff Be Sacked For Not Being Injected

SDLP Leader Could Eastwood took to the Nolan Show Live to demand that unvaccinated care-home staff should be fired and that young people should be coerced into taking the Covid injection or else find themselves ostracised from sections of society. He blamed the spread of Covid on the unjabbed saying that it was “a pandemic of the unvaccinated”.

On the 22nd September 2021 Colum Eastwood, leader of the SDLP – a political party in Northern Ireland – took to the Nolan Show Live to demand that unvaccinated care-home staff should be fired and that young people should be coerced into taking the Covid injection or else find themselves ostracised from sections of society. He blamed the spread of Covid on the unjabbed saying that it was “a pandemic of the unvaccinated”.

Many speculated that Colum’s motivations were more to do with self-preservation as pubs at the time were threatened with further closures unless something was done to reduce the spread of the Covid virus and given that Colum’s wife owns several pubs in Northern Ireland, it was suggested that he was trying to prevent her from going out of business. It is uncertain if this was the case and Colum has refused to address these concerns publicly.

Eastwood is seen as one of the staunchest supporters of draconian COVID legislation and he never questioned the need for lockdowns but rather wanted them longer, harder and stricter. So his demands for staff to lose their jobs follows a pattern of him seemingly wanting to be seen as an authoritarian leader taking charge of things – no matter the cost and no matter who got hurt the process.

Claiming that it was a pandemic of the unvaccinated was, in our view, hate speech and designed to turn the jabbed against the unjabbed. It was designed to draw further divisions in our already fragmented society and Colum believing that his discriminatory demands would be met wanted as much publicity for them as possible. When his demands wielded negative results right across the board he fell silent and never spoke of them again. The corporate media never held him to account because, it could be argued, they were also pushing for the same demands as him and therefore to highlight the disastrous consequences of his demands would be to highlight the role they also played in helping things like Vaccine Passports come into force.

We have therefore decided to republish the deleted Nolan Show as we feel it is in the public interest for people to hear for themselves the words of Colum Eastwood. The historical record also needs to record his words and keep a record of this show so that future generations can see with their own eyes and hear with their own ears just how easily authoritarianism can take root in politics and the type of politicians that will rush to spearhead it when the opportunity presents itself.

Covid injections don’t stop the spread of the Covid virus. They were never tested against transmission. But what governments did was to claim they did stop transmission and therefore demand that everyone get jabbed to ‘stop the spread’. Leaders like Eastwood took these false claims to a whole new level by demanding people lose their jobs if they refused to rollup their sleeves. He should never be allowed to forget what he did and said. His words and demands have had disastrous impacts on society, lives and trust in public health. We need to learn from this ordeal and learn just how easily some political leaders seek attention, notoriety and power and will trample on anyone to get it.