Conspirators Within The Northern Ireland Department Of Health?

As the unexplained numbers of excess deaths keeps rising in Northern Ireland, one MLA has worked hard to try and get the Department of Health to begin an investigation into what’s causing these deaths. At every turn the DoH have frustrated Paul Frew’s efforts and, as you’ll see in this report, even sought to play down the number of deaths whilst also attempting to pass the responsibility to the Department of Finance knowing they weren’t responsible for investigating such issues but it the DOH themselves that were responsible.

[DELETED] Nolan Show: Colum Eastwood Demands That Healthcare Staff Be Sacked For Not Being Injected

SDLP Leader Could Eastwood took to the Nolan Show Live to demand that unvaccinated care-home staff should be fired and that young people should be coerced into taking the Covid injection or else find themselves ostracised from sections of society. He blamed the spread of Covid on the unjabbed saying that it was “a pandemic of the unvaccinated”.

Northern Ireland Justice Minister, Naomi Long, opposes the use of NISRA/ONS 5-year-average when assessing non-COVID excess deaths

Naomi Long argues against the use of the 5-year-average as an acceptable measurement gauge but only for assessing non-COVID excess deaths in Northern Ireland. We take a closer look at why this may be!

Health Minister misleads fellow MLA on the true scale of the excess deaths in Northern Ireland

‘One death from Covid is a death too many.’ We’ve all heard it. It was used time and time again to guilt people in to staying at home, testing themselves at every end and turn and even taking a new…

BBC-NI Found in Breach of BBC Editorial Standards

The BBC in Northern Ireland have long acted as a PR machine for the Department of Health in their COVID-19 messaging. That messaging has mostly been little more than scaremongering and coercive in nature. In this report we look at how the BBC-NI helped propagate lies from a Doctor without verifying the doctor’s claims or attaching a disclaimer to their broadcasts. After abandoning our complaints we were forced to circumvent them and go directly to the ECU who ruled in our favour.