Conspirators Within The Northern Ireland Department Of Health?

As the unexplained numbers of excess deaths keeps rising in Northern Ireland, one MLA has worked hard to try and get the Department of Health to begin an investigation into what’s causing these deaths. At every turn the DoH have frustrated Paul Frew’s efforts and, as you’ll see in this report, even sought to play down the number of deaths whilst also attempting to pass the responsibility to the Department of Finance knowing they weren’t responsible for investigating such issues but it the DOH themselves that were responsible.

[DELETED] Nolan Show: Colum Eastwood Demands That Healthcare Staff Be Sacked For Not Being Injected

SDLP Leader Could Eastwood took to the Nolan Show Live to demand that unvaccinated care-home staff should be fired and that young people should be coerced into taking the Covid injection or else find themselves ostracised from sections of society. He blamed the spread of Covid on the unjabbed saying that it was “a pandemic of the unvaccinated”.

THE PODCAST: A look into life in care-homes in Northern Ireland under a COVID-first regime

In the first of this 3-part series, we hear the stories of three brave residents of Northern Ireland who lost loved ones in care homes during different periods of the COVID-19 pandemic. With these first-hand accounts, you will learn that…