Trish Greenhalgh is a mask zealot who has chosen the face mask debate as the rock on which her long academic career could well perish. We expose yet another instance of her making up stories to try and prove her narrative.
Gavin Yamey: The Lying Professor
Gavin Yamey was caught deliberately and intentionally misrepresenting an article written by Professor Martin Kulldorff of the Great Barrington Declaration group. When we challenged Yamey on this he proceeded to spend the next 36 hours tweeting lie after lie about us whilst urging his 35K followers to report us to Twitter.
The Matergate Lies – Dr Emma Keelan
Following on from our first report into the Mater Hospital Medical Registrar, Dr Emma Keelan, wherein we showed with Freedom of Information requests how she lied when she claimed… …the Mater is full with young (in 20/30s) critically unwell, UNvaccinated…
Confirmed: The Mater Hospital Was NOT Full of Unvaccinated 20/30-Year-Olds on Ventilators on the 22nd July
It’s shockingly surprising how many medical professionals take to social media to make false claims regarding COVID-19, but it does happen quite regularly. When we spot it, we expose it.
When agendas and ignorance are used to distort the facts – the truth suffers
Those voices that are the loudest, demanding that we place our trust in Public Health officials and bow at the altar of authority; that we just roll up our sleeves and take a jab for something that the majority don’t…
Independent Sage and Their Struggle With Graphs
Chris Pagel of Zero Covid grouping, Independent Sage, presented a poorly worded tweet displaying an inability to understand rolling rate data and how that is reflected in slides. I challenged her on this and I detail that exchange here.
Dan Hodges: The Flip-Flopper
Dan Hodges is renowned for his divisiveness and hypocrisy on COVID-19 responses. Whilst being humiliated seems to be an acceptable payoff for getting attention for Dan, his public breakdowns and denialism do little to inspire confidence in a struggling corporate media industry and in the people who may look to journalists for guidance.
Nobody Does Disinformation Better Than The BBC’s ‘anti-disinformation’ Unit – PART II
In this second part of our BBC “anti-disinformation” unit exposé, we look at further evidence of the fake news being pushed by this small, controversial online outfit.
Trish Greenhalgh Continues Pushing Misinformation
Having already exposed Professor Trish Greenhalgh as providing misinformation on national TV, I reached out to her suggesting that an apology be issued given the seriousness of the matter. Instead of apologising she doubled-down behind more false claims.
A Thread of Inaccuracies
Meaning well doesn’t always mean that well is done. When you don’t know something it’s best not to suggest expertise in the area as the result is ultimately harm. The opposite of your intentions.